algebra as computation

It's good to start with an example, and one I am quite fond of is the construction with vector spaces by creating sum types and product types. These all are miraculously ubiquitous objects whether you are in physics, computer science, or mathematics. We will see how one can go from the algebraic perspective straight into implementation and how we can extract additional features of these objects naturally.

Warning: This blog started as a blurb and I ended up nerd sniping myself into writing this from a far more categorical perspective – hopefully it illuminates why we define structures in the way we do from a perspective of computation!


This blog is the first in a series that dives into the intersection of mathematics and computation. Ultimately, I know that I want the first few pieces to go and define very rigorously and programmatically the notion of Clifford algebras. To get there, we will lay some groundwork and build up fundamentals so we can get to this point.

Let’s take an approach that is very algebraic and categorical in nature. The reason why isn’t to be confusing or overly abstract, but to hopefully bridge a gap into how this is all defines a means of computation whereby I mean “your ability to write software using these tools.” From a philosphical perspective, I believe algebra is a means of constructing data structures and computational rules via their relationships to one another. We should take this approach and build up this technology in a rigorous way.

I firmly believe that being able to go from these abstract constructions of diagrams to implementation is a valuable skill that will enhance your ability to write elegant and safe programs.

algebraic structure

By algebra and structure, I mean the following:

  • Algebra: We are working with a set of objects, operations, and relations on these objects.
  • Structure: We are imposing rules on these objects and operations that make them behave in a certain way given the relations.

There’s many places we could begin with algebraic structure, but vector spaces are a nice place to start due to their ubiquity, flexibility, and they also have many nice properties.

These structures will come about in programming as interfaces. As with an interface, structures do not require a specific implementation, but they do require that certain operations are defined and that they satisfy certain relationships. Your specific problems will call out to you to make your specific implementations!

vector spaces

Throughout this longform piece, we will work with finite dimensional vector spaces $V$ over some field $\mathbb{F}$. We won’t really care about what field we use to be the numbers we pile into vectors, we really just care that the multiplication of these scalars (elements of the underlying field) are commutative and we can find inverses for everything other than the $0$ element. Replace vector spaces with modules if you want to be more general or feel free to remove the restriction of finite-dimensionality (though be careful with both!).

If you don’t feel comfortable with vector spaces and linear algebra, I would recommend you take a look at 3Blue1Brown’s Essence of Linear Algebra series. We will review a bit nonetheless.

operations and diagrams

Let’s review some operations we can do on vector spaces themselves so that we have our modular structures in place. Ultimately operations at the structural level descend to operations on the object level (e.g., on the vectors).

In a vector space $V$ we can take linear combinations using vectors $\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{v'} \in V$ and scalars $a, b \in \mathbb{F}$ to get new vectors in $V$: $$ a\cdot \boldsymbol{v} + b \cdot \boldsymbol{v'} $$

Diagramatically, we have the following: $$ + \colon V\times V \to V \\ ~ \\ \cdot \colon \mathbb{F} \times V \to V $$ We usually drop the $\cdot$ notation and just put $a\boldsymbol{v}$ for scalar multiplication, but the above was just to be clear.

How can we code something like this up? First, we need some sort of structure to work with and for a vector space we can just take these to be an array of numbers. We will define this vector space type in Rust to wrap this array and provide functionality like so:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct V<const M: usize, F>([F; M]);

impl<const M: usize, F> Default for V<M, F>
    F: Default + Copy,
    fn default() -> Self {
        V([F::default(); M])

impl<const M: usize, F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy> Add for V<M, F> {
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(self, other: V<M, F>) -> Self::Output {
        let mut sum = V::default();
        for i in 0..M {
            sum.0[i] = self.0[i] + other.0[i];

impl<const M: usize, F: Mul<Output = F> + Default + Copy> Mul<F> for V<M, F> {
    type Output = Self;
    fn mul(self, scalar: F) -> Self::Output {
        let mut scalar_multiple = V::default();
        for i in 0..M {
            scalar_multiple.0[i] = scalar * self.0[i];

In the above, think of F as the field we are choosing to work over and the method F::default as the function that gets the zero element of the field $0\in \mathbb{F}$ (though you do have to be careful here). Subsequently, $M$ is the number of components of the vectors we are working with (also equivalent to the dimension), and the implementations of the Add and Mul<F> traits are what we defined in the diagrams for the vector addition $V \times V \to V$ and the scalar multiplication $\mathbb{F} \times V \to V$ respectively. The derived traits like Clone and Copy do not have to inherently be there for the type we are defining, but they are handy with Rust’s memory model.

Diagrams like this yield basic rules, and in a language like Rust, it is nice to be able to define these rules in a way that is both clear and concise. One thing we do lack in Rust, however, is that it is not clear that the properties we require of these operations are satisfied. For instance, we require that the addition of vectors is commutative, is it clear that this is true as defined? We will run into other issues down the road.

You see here that we have constructed an interfacial component in your software. The V<M, F> is generic and can be specifically implemented in many different ways. Likewise, though we didn’t define the bounds ourself, the Add and Mul traits are interfaces that we can implement for our V type which are, in essence, inherited from the field type F we are working over.

Moreover, I have done us dirty. I invoked the direct product $V \times V$ in our logic here without defining what this means!


The conceptual idea of a product type, in general, is to just pair together objects and work with both simultaneously as a single object. Given this, we will define the direct product of two different vector spaces $V$ and $W$ as $V \times W$. This direct product should also be a vector space and, if constructed properly, the computations you do with it should be inherited from $V$ and $W$ naturally.

Briefly, if we want to think of vectors as arrays, the product $V \times W$ is concatenation of a pair of arrays. We write $\boldsymbol{v} \in V$ and $\boldsymbol{w} \in W$ as: $$ \boldsymbol{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_M \end{bmatrix} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \boldsymbol{w} = \begin{bmatrix} w_1 \\ w_2 \\ \vdots \\ w_N \end{bmatrix} $$ then we can write the vector $(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) \in V \times W$ as: $$ (\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_M \\ w_1 \\ w_2 \\ \vdots \\ w_N \end{bmatrix} $$ Sometimes this picture can be helpful to think about if you find yourself lost in the abstraction.

With a product we again get a vector space as we know how to add and scalar multiply vectors in $V \times W$: $$ (\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) + (\boldsymbol{v\prime},\boldsymbol{w\prime}) = (\boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{v\prime},\boldsymbol{w} + \boldsymbol{w\prime}) \\ \alpha (\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) = (\alpha \boldsymbol{v},\alpha \boldsymbol{w}) $$ where $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}$.


How do we do this? Take a look at the diagram below: product In the diagram, we see a collection of vector spaces $V$, $W$, and $Z$ as well as a collection of maps $f_V$, $f_W$, $f$, $\pi_V$, and $\pi_W$ (all of which are linear). Importantly, $\pi_V$ and $\pi_W$ are considered an implicit part of the data of the direct product $V \times W$ and they are defined as: $$ \begin{align*} \pi_V \colon V \times W& \to V \\ (\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{w}) &\mapsto \boldsymbol{v} \\ \end{align*} $$ and $$ \begin{align*} \pi_W \colon V \times W& \to W \\ (\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{w}) &\mapsto \boldsymbol{w} \\ \end{align*} $$ The maps $\pi_V$ and $\pi_W$ are often called projections.

The only requirement of the diagram is that it commutes which means that if you follow the arrows in any way, you get the same result. Specifically, the composition of the maps $\pi_V \circ f = f_V$ should be the same map and likewise $\pi_W \circ f = f_W$.

Note that the dashed line for $f$ has special meaning – it is a unique map that exists due to the existence of the other maps and the diagram itself. This is the key to the universal property of the direct product $V \times W$.

Let’s spend a moment thinking about this diagram and using it to understand what we are guaranteed when working with the direct product of vector spaces $V \times W$. Note that in the direct product, we typically write vectors as tuples $(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w})$ where $\boldsymbol{v} \in V$ and $\boldsymbol{w} \in W$.

Now, if let’s define some maps by letting $f_V(\boldsymbol{z})=\boldsymbol{v_z}$ and $f_W(\boldsymbol{z})=\boldsymbol{w_z}$. My claim now is that there is only one map $f$ that makes the diagram commute. The unique map $f$ must be defined as: $$ f(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) = (f_V(\boldsymbol{v}), f_W(\boldsymbol{w})) = (\boldsymbol{v_z}, \boldsymbol{w_z}). $$ This may seem trivial, but it is a powerful statement. It says that if you have a map from the direct product into some other vector space, then you can always decompose it into two maps that act on the individual components of the pair. This is exactly what we need to go about implementing the direct product in Rust.


Let’s try to take our diagram and implement it in Rust. Before we even restrict ourselves to our vector type from before, we can write this out generally. We need to define an interfacial component with two types X and Y, and three functions, pi_X, pi_Y and f. The final function $f$, should allow for some other type Z, but not need inherent knowledge of X and Y.

pub trait ProductType
    Self: Sized,
    type X;
    type Y;

    fn construct(x: Self::X, y: Self::Y) -> Self;

    fn pi_X(&self) -> Self::X;

    fn pi_Y(&self) -> Self::Y;

    fn f<Z>(z: Z, f_X: impl Fn(Z) -> Self::X, f_Y: impl Fn(Z) -> Self::Y) -> Self {
        Self::construct(f_X(z), f_Y(z))

Our unique $f$ from the diagram should have a blanket implementation for any type that implements the ProductType trait, but without having some inherent structure to map into, this isn’t really possible as we need to tell a computer how to place this in memory. Hence, this is why we have an additional construct function in the trait as this just tells us how the product type is built from the two components. The construct is just the programmatic equivalent of us choosing to represent objects as $(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{w}) \in V \times W$. Given we do know how to construct the type, we can then define the f function in terms of the construct function.

Pause and ask yourself: Could you have defined a blanket definition f in the trait using only the other trait methods in any other way?

It is worth noting that in Rust, the product type is already captured for us by the struct or tuple types. If we look at what we defined above, we essentially just created a wrapper around Rust’s internal struct type, and within the ProductType trait. Let’s see how.

For our case of vector spaces, we can define the DirectProduct as follows:

struct DirectProduct<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> {
    v: V<M, F>,
    w: V<N, F>,

where you must have both a V and a W to create a Vector. This struct allows us to pair together two different sized vector spaces over the same field and work with them as a single unified product object. Now, we can implement the ProductType trait for this DirectProduct type using just the inherent Rust methods on structs:

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> ProductType for DirectProduct<M, N, F> {
    type X = V<M, F>;
    type Y = V<N, F>;

    fn construct(v: Self::X, w: Self::Y) -> Self {
        DirectProduct { v, w }

    fn pi_X(&self) -> Self::X {

    fn pi_Y(&self) -> Self::Y {

and we see that the f function is already implemented! We note as well that the pi_X and pi_Y come as part of the data of the implementation of the interface we’ve defined here, and we must also build these as only we, the implementer, know how to yield memory from the computer to represent the object in our language. Remind yourself, this f, or $f$ we had in the diagram, “exists and is unique”.

Now, we carry on and can note that in this case, you can actually define the Add and trait for the ProductVector type in Rust without any issues:

    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(self, other: DirectProduct<M, N, F>) -> Self::Output {
        DirectProduct::construct(self.pi_X() + other.pi_X(), self.pi_Y() + other.pi_Y())

Again, all of this is just wrapping the inherent Rust methods on the struct type and the methods we built on V<M, F> (and V<N, F>). We could have, for example, defined Add using our the DirectProduct struct as the diagram $V \times V \to V$ suggests:

impl<const M: usize, F> Add<()> for DirectProduct<M, M, F>

    type Output = V<M, F>;
    fn add(self, _other: ()) -> Self::Output {
        self.pi_X() + self.pi_Y()

To make this latter implementation useful, you just have to take two V<M, F> types, construct a DirectProduct<M, M, F> and then call add on it.

As for the scalar multiplication $\mathbb{F} \times V \to V$, we can define this as well:

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Mul<F> for DirectProduct<M, N, F>
    F: Mul<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn mul(self, scalar: F) -> Self::Output {
        DirectProduct::construct(self.pi_X() * scalar, self.pi_Y() * scalar)

No funny business here. Everything simply being built up from our methods on the F, then V<M, F>, and now the DirectProduct<M, N, F> types.


In this sense, the product type is essentially like logical AND as it requires us to fill each and every one of its components. In fact, AND is also a categorical product. The product type is a way to combine two objects into a single object and work with them as a single object so that each factor is treated independently.

There is not much of a point to working with the ProductType I defined here in Rust and the reason why is that Rust’s struct types already capture this completely. Succinctly: struct is a product type. However, one should note that we can start to see a bit of the lack of expressiveness in Rust’s type system when we start to think about the universal property of the product type. Without access to Rust’s struct, could you have defined a ProductType that allowed for an arbitary number of types to be combined into a single object? Can you parameterize the associated types like type X and type Y in the ProductType trait with some other arbitrary trait?

Lastly, give this some thought with tuples instead of struct types. Everything should essentially be the same, but it will also line up clearly with the work we’ve done here (we wrote the product vector as a tuple, actually) and you should take a challenge to work through the case of products that are arbitrarily long.


One thing we can always do with diagrams is flip them around to create the dual of the original diagram. We may wonder why the hell we would do this, but it turns out that the dual of a diagram can often serve a great utility like the original diagram, and they are often “independent and opposite” types from one another. When we do this diagram reversal, we add the prefix co before the name of the other diagram. For now, let’s take a look then at the coproduct (or sum) for vector spaces $V$ and $W$ which is often called the direct sum and written as $V\oplus W$.


Let’s start with the diagramatic/algebraic law $V\oplus W$ must follow. coproduct We define the direct sum $V \oplus W$ as the vector space that satisfies the following universal property of this diagram in that we must have a unique map $f$ that makes the diagram commute. Specifically, there is only one $f$ where $f_V = f \circ \iota_V$ and $f_W = f \circ \iota_W$. We will write elements of $V \oplus W$ as $\boldsymbol{v} \oplus \boldsymbol{w}$ where $\boldsymbol{v} \in V$ and $\boldsymbol{w} \in W$ which gives us a construction to work with. In this case, we have two maps $\iota_V$ and $\iota_W$ that are often called inclusions and they are defined as: $$ \begin{align*} \iota_V \colon V &\to V \oplus W \\ \boldsymbol{v} &\mapsto \boldsymbol{v}_V \\ \end{align*} $$ and $$ \begin{align*} \iota_W \colon W &\to V \oplus W \\ \boldsymbol{w} &\mapsto \boldsymbol{w}_W \\ \end{align*} $$ Note that like the product, these maps $\iota$ come as an implicit part of the data of the direct sum. One may see this as a bit odd as these $\iota$ maps look like they don’t do anything other than apply a tag, however, they do move that vector into a new space and, if you’d like, for example: $$ \iota_V(v) = \boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{0}_W $$ The tag is not a common notation by the way, but I believe it is helpful so I’ve added it. The fact that these maps do indeed move the vector to a new space will be even more clear when we do the implementation in Rust. Further, we will see this ability to go between $\boldsymbol{v}_V$ and $\boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{0}_W$ is special for vector spaces and will correspond to a sneakily implemented trait we have on our vector type in Rust.

With this construction we can still add and scalar multiply vectors in the direct sum in the usual way. Just for show: $$ \boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W + \boldsymbol{v'}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w'}_W = (\boldsymbol{v}_V + \boldsymbol{v'}_V) \oplus (\boldsymbol{w} + \boldsymbol{w'})\\ \alpha (\boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W) = (\alpha \boldsymbol{v}_V) \oplus (\alpha \boldsymbol{w}_W). $$

How can this map be defined? Well, if we have $\boldsymbol{v} \in V$ and $\boldsymbol{w} \in W$, then if we have $f_V(\boldsymbol{v}) = \boldsymbol{z_v}$: $$ f(\boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_V) = \boldsymbol{z_v} + \boldsymbol{z_w} = f_V(\boldsymbol{v}) + f_W(\boldsymbol{w}) $$


Let’s go ahead and try to implement this in Rust, but as a forewarning, we should note that this implementation a bit more convoluted than the product type and we will form something a bit more usable after.

pub trait Coproduct
    Self: Sized,
    type X;
    type Y;

    fn construct(x: Option<Self::X>, y: Option<Self::Y>) -> Self;

    fn iota_X(x: Option<Self::X>) -> Self {
        Self::construct(x, None)

    fn iota_Y(y: Option<Self::Y>) -> Self {
        Self::construct(None, y)

    fn get_X_via_tag(&self) -> Option<Self::X>;

    fn get_Y_via_tag(&self) -> Option<Self::Y>;

    fn f<Z: Add<Output = Z>>(
        f_X: impl Fn(Option<Self::X>) -> Z,
        f_Y: impl Fn(Option<Self::Y>) -> Z,
    ) -> Z {
        f_X(self.get_X_via_tag()) + f_Y(self.get_Y_via_tag())

Note above these extra methods of get_X_via_tag and get_Y_via_tag are helpful and they come with the definition of the coproduct definition. When we wrote out something like $\boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W$, I explicitly wrote the tagging for which space each came from in this direct sum. We could have also kept this tag by simply leaving the inclusion map present: $$ \iota_V(\boldsymbol{v}) \oplus \iota_W(\boldsymbol{w}). $$ Again, this construction and difference and types will become clear in the enumeration type section

Now, doing this in Rust requires us to utilize these underlying Option types to allow for the possibility of having only one of the two vectors in the sum.

pub struct DirectSum<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> {
    v: Option<V<M, F>>,
    w: Option<V<N, F>>,

The inclusion of the Options in the trait definition as well as our struct mean that getting the implementation of the Coproduct trait for our DirectSum type is extremely straightforward:

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Coproduct for DirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Copy,
    type X = V<M, F>;
    type Y = V<N, F>;

    fn construct(v: Option<Self::X>, w: Option<Self::Y>) -> Self {
        DirectSum { v, w }

From here, we begin to see more of the weirdness in trying to make a clean implementation of this type in Rust. It isn’t that the Add and Mul traits we now need are difficult to implement, but they do rely heavily on the Option’s built in functionality. In fact, we very nicely see the Option::or method coming out which points to the Coproduct as being some kind of categorical OR operation. Nevertheless, here are both the implementations:

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Add for DirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(self, other: DirectSum<M, N, F>) -> Self::Output {
                .map(|(v, other_v)| v + other_v)
                .map(|(w, other_w)| w + other_w)

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Mul<F> for DirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Mul<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn mul(self, scalar: F) -> Self::Output {
        DirectSum::construct(|v| v * scalar),|w| w * scalar))

In a brief review here, it seems that the ability to toggle between Some(T) and None in the Option enumeration make possible the ability to have a meaningful Coproduct type in Rust.

equivalence of sum and product for vector spaces

Right now we have defined two distinct types in Rust that are actually equivalent. The reason for this being that the category of vector spaces is preadditive and the product and coproduct are really a biproduct in this category. Jargon aside, we can see why this is true both mathematically and programmatically. From this, we will discover the nice property of the Option::unwrap_or_default as a means of making the Product and Coproduct types (essentially) equivalent so long as the underlying types are restricted to implementing Default.

First, mathematically, we show that $V \times W$ and $V \oplus W$ are isomorphic by creating an invertible linear map between them. Note that we were able to identify $\boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{0}_W = \boldsymbol{v}_V$ and $\boldsymbol{w}_W = \boldsymbol{0}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W$ and so we can define a map: $$ \begin{align*} \varphi \colon V\times W &\to V \oplus W \\ (\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{w}) &\mapsto \boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W \\ \end{align*} $$ and as for the inverse: $$ \begin{align*} \varphi^{-1} \colon V \oplus W &\to V \times W \\ \boldsymbol{v}_V \oplus \boldsymbol{w}_W &\mapsto (\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{w}) \\ \boldsymbol{v}_V &\mapsto (\boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{0}) \\ \boldsymbol{w}_W &\mapsto (\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{w}) \\ \end{align*} $$ I won’t show the details here, but this is a quick exercise in linear algebra to show that these maps are linear and inverses of one another.

The above gives us a way to go between the two types programmatically too. To show these types are equivalent when working with vector spaces (i.e., the underlying type V<M, F>), we want to show that a construction of one type yields a one-to-one construction of the other to get our programmatic proof. One way to do this in Rust is with the From<_> (or Into<_>) traits. Let’s see how we do this.

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> From<DirectSum<M, N, F>> for DirectProduct<M, N, F>
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    fn from(sum: DirectSum<M, N, F>) -> DirectProduct<M, N, F> {

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> From<DirectProduct<M, N, F>> for DirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    fn from(prod: DirectProduct<M, N, F>) -> DirectSum<M, N, F> {
        DirectSum::iota_X(Some(prod.pi_X())) + DirectSum::iota_Y(Some(prod.pi_Y()))

This is quite interesting, actually. We have shown that the DirectProduct and DirectSum types are equivalent in Rust by showing that we can convert between them. That is, given a construction of one type, we can construct the other type. These constructions are proofs that the two types are equivalent in Rust.

Now, there is a caveat here and I should be forthcoming. This Rust program doesn’t know how to prove that the DirectProduct and DirectSum types are equivalent. I did provide for you an implementation of the From trait from each direction that we can verify by hand can be done back-and-forth with no loss of information, but we would need an additional constraint in place, i.e., we would need to run a program that checks the following:

fn check_equivalence_prod_to_sum<M, N, F>(product: DirectProduct<M, N, F>) -> bool
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    let sum_from_product: DirectSum<M, N, F> = product.into();
    let product_from_sum: DirectProduct<M, N, F> = sum_from_product.into();
    assert_eq!(product, product_from_sum);

fn check_equivalence_prod_to_sum<M, N, F>(sum: DirectSum<M, N, F>) -> bool
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    let product_from_sum: DirectProduct<M, N, F> = sum.into();
    let sum_from_product: DirectSum<M, N, F> = product_from_sum.into();
    assert_eq!(sum, sum_from_product);

This is not only a bit of a pain to do, but it is also not possible to do in Rust as you need to do this for every possible M, N, and F you might want to work with. This is where other programming languages can allow you to write better “proof carrying code” (e.g., Haskell, Coq, or Lean). A benefit for those languages, for sure!


If we thought of the product type as something akin to logical AND, it would hopefully be the case that the dual construction, the coproduct, is like the logical OR operation. In fact, it is so. For the coproduct we created, we are allowing ourselves to pick from either of the $V$ or the $W$ and combine them into a single type. Creating this coproduct type in Rust was a bit of a pain, mostly because we had to deal with the Option type and the unwrap_or_default method. However, what we can see is that we certainly can do it.

We found that for our vector space type, the product and coproduct type were found to be the same type (i.e., they are mathematically isomorphic). Now, a quick check here really comes via the fact that for our inclusions $\iota$ and our projections $\pi$, we have the relationship: $$ \pi_V \circ \iota_V = \text{id}_V \quad \text{and} \quad \pi_W \circ \iota_W = \text{id}_W \\ \pi_V \circ \iota_W = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \pi_W \circ \iota_V = 0 $$ Now, programmatically, we were able to attain this exact relationship between the mappings Option::Some and Option::unwrap_or_default. Why? Well, we have:

let true = Some::<V<M, F>>(v).unwrap_or_default() == v; 
let true = None::<V<M, F>>.unwrap_or_default() == <V<M, F>>::default();

In particular, we have that T::default gives us the ability to pick out the zero element of a vector space and this is the set of requirements seen here! This, programmatically, is how we see that our V<M, F> falls into a preadditive category.

If you’d like, you could try applying this coproduct on a struct like so:

struct DisjointUnion<T,U> {
    t: HashSet<T>,
    u: HashSet<U>,

to create the disjoint union of two sets, which is the same as the coproduct of two sets in the category of sets.

enumerations (tagged unions)

Now, there is a type in Rust called an enumeration or enum that exhibits behavioral patterns that are extremely similar to an XOR version of the coproduct (if we think of a coproduct as a categorical OR constructor, that is). This data structure works extremely well as it allows you to exhaustively pattern match against the different cases of the enumeration knowing that at least one will be occupied (just like the coproduct, we know we can have at least one of the two types in the sum). The difference is, at most, one of the types can be occupied in the enumeration type.


For instance, in Rust, you have something like:

pub enum UniqueDirectSum<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> {
    V(V<M, F>),
    W(V<N, F>),

It is quite clear that this is a selector between two types and, in general, two elements of this type cannot successfully be added together.

Earlier I mentioned that I would come back to the mappings $\iota_V$ and $\iota_W$ and the tagged union and we can see that these appear explicitly in Rust as the variant constructors:

let v = UniqueDirectSum::V(v);
let w = UniqueDirectSum::W(w);

To reiterate, the UniqueDirectSum::V is a mapping from V<M, F> into UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F> and the UniqueDirectSum::W is a mapping from V<N, F> into UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F> just as $\iota_V$ and $\iota_W$ were mappings from V and W into the coproduct $V \oplus W$. This tagging may appear quite natural now!

Carrying on, we can implement a Add trait for this type and it will be type-safe.

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Add for UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Add<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(self, other: UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F>) -> Self::Output {
        match (self, other) {
            (UniqueDirectSum::V(v), UniqueDirectSum::V(w)) => UniqueDirectSum::V(V::add(v, w)),
            (UniqueDirectSum::W(v), UniqueDirectSum::W(w)) => UniqueDirectSum::W(V::add(v, w)),
            _ => panic!("Cannot add V and W with Rust `UniqueDirectSum`!"),

Notice that we will hit a different case of panic! if we try to add a V and a W together. This is an important distinction between the enumeration type and the coproduct type from earlier as with that type, we had the ability to add any combination of the two types together.

As for the scalar multiplication, we can implement this as well:

impl<const M: usize, const N: usize, F> Mul<F> for UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F>
    F: Mul<Output = F> + Default + Copy,
    type Output = Self;
    fn mul(self, scalar: F) -> Self::Output {
        match self {
            UniqueDirectSum::V(v) => UniqueDirectSum::V(v * scalar),
            UniqueDirectSum::W(w) => UniqueDirectSum::W(w * scalar),

where there is no issue that can cause a panic! here.

The syntax of match plays an important role here as it exhaustively checks all the possible cases of the enumeration type knowing all along that only one variant may be occupied at a time. I would argue that this capability outweighs the ability to add any combination of the two types together as we had with the coproduct type at least as far as programming goes.


We’ve been given a challenge to go the other way and try to derive a diagram from the Rust type itself. To do so, we can instead think of the coproduct of the the sets of the vectors from each space which I will write as $\{V\}$ and $\{W\}$ and put $\{V \} \amalg \{W \}$ to represent the coproduct (disjoint union) of the two sets. Working with these, we can add additional logic to implement a selector function that will allow us to choose between the two types inside the tagged union. tagged union

Above, we have $s_V$ which is a choice of a map of a singleton into the set of vectors of $V$. Naturally, we also have the inclusion $\iota_V$ for taking the set into its coproduct (the disjoint union) which maps an element of $V$ into the tagged union along with its tag. From there, we have a map $T$ which takes an element of the tagged union and outputs its tag, show here as being either 1 or 2 for $V$ and $W$ respectively. The detail we must have is that given a choice of $s_V$, we must have a unique map $s_T$ that selects the tag of the element of the tagged union and makes the above diagram commute.

Programmatically, this selector $s_T$ is captured by pattern matching via the match statement or if let statement. It is built into the Rust language and is a very powerful tool for working with tagged unions! One distinction here, however, is that when we apply the selector $s_T$, we also need to retain the type structure of the tagged union. For example, in the above we had:

match our_enum: UniqueDirectSum<M, N, F> {
    UniqueDirectSum::V(v) => UniqueDirectSum::V(v * scalar),
    UniqueDirectSum::W(w) => UniqueDirectSum::W(w * scalar),

match applies the type selector, but we gain introspection into the inner types via looking inside of the UniqueDirectSum::V and UniqueDirectSum::W (or equivalently \iota_V and \iota_W) mappings. Essentially, we have “glued” the diagram of the selector $s_T$ into the coproduct diagram $V \oplus W$.

At the moment, I am not totally satisfied with this diagramatic perspective of the tagged union/enum type of Rust. This leaves me wanting a deeper explanation by connecting this into type theory which we will do as we connect all of the elements of the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence.

where to go from here

This piece has been a bit of a whirlwind to explain some common constructions in mathematics and how they can made programmatic specifically using Rust. From here, I would like to carry on with some further examples and move into some constructions I found extremely useful in my own work that I have not had the chance to explain here such as tensors and Clifford algebras.

Eventually, I also want to get into type theory and how these categorical constructions relate to type-theoretic constructions. This will require us learning about special types of categories, but I think it will be a fun journey to take together.

Furthermore, I want to provide the complete code for the above constructions in a more usable form. They can be found at this repository: Autoparallel/tensor with commit hash c8bd132.